Enrollment & Registration

Enrollment for new students

Welcome new Cypress Village Elementary families! Please visit Enroll in IUSD to complete IUSD online pre-enrollment process if your student did not previously attend a school in IUSD. During the online data entry process, you will be required to upload all requested enrollment documents that are identified in the instructions - PDF format is preferred. Please email: CYEnroll@iusd.org with any questions. 

Please note, your enrollment is not complete until you finish this process. If your student is currently attending Cypress Village Elementary, you will not need to complete this enrollment process, but please make sure to complete your Intent to Return Survey when it comes out in the spring. If you are currently attending another IUSD school and are moving into the Cypress Village attendance area, please contact your current home school for further information.

  • If scanning is not available, parents will need to take clear, legible photographs of documents - PDF format is preferred.
  • Enrollment Documents
  • Please be sure to review our kinder Round Up pages for detailed information and instructions. There is also a wealth of information on the IUSD Website for both Kinder and PK families, as well as new families to IUSD.  