PK & Kindergarten Parent Night

PK & K Parent Information Night

Please check this webpage frequently for updates.

Enrollment details and additional information about Pre-K, Kinder, and School Boundaries may be found on IUSD's Enrollment Page. First Day of Enrollment: Feb. 28th at approximately 12:00PM

PK & Kindergarten Parent Night
Thursday, February 27th at 6:00PM
Cypress Village MPR

cypress village February 27 Kinder presentation

Please join us on Thursday, February 27th at 6:00PM in our Mulitpurpose Room for PK & Kindergarten Parent Night. This presentation is for parents of students enrolling in PK & Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.

CLICK HERE for the Cypress Village PK & Kindergarten Parent Night Presentation that was shown on February 27th.

welcome to Pre-K and Kinder IUSD Presentation

CLICK HERE for the IUSD Welcome to Pre-K and Kindergarten IUSD presentation
We invite you to watch the this presentation and review the electronic resources, prior to attending the PK & Kindergarten Parent Night.

health information

CLICK HERE for information regarding immunization and health requirements

CLICK HERE for additional health and safety resources

online enrollment: step by step guide

CLICK HERE for the Step-By-Step Enrollment Guide for Cypress Village
The required health documents are: proof of immunizations and a dental health assessment required during the first year of school.

IUSD PK & kindergarten resources

CLICK HERE for IUSD Indicators for School Success

CLICK HERE for more information about IUSD's PK Program

CLICK HERE for more information about IUSD's Kinder Program