IVA Material Distribution

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

As we move into the school year with Irvine Virtual Academy, we wanted to provide you with some information on gaining access to learning materials for your students in grades K-6. We will be distributing materials for all IVA students in the Library, by last name, on Wednesday.

We ask that you please arrive at your designated time and wear a mask while on campus. 

  • Our checkout will be operating via a walk-up method. We will strive to maintain social distancing, and will be wearing appropriate PPE. 

  • In order to maintain social distancing and to keep the number of people waiting to a minimum, we ask that you keep the number of people in your party as small as possible.

We look forward to seeing you on August 26th!


Make-ups will be on Wednesday, September 2nd from 12:15pm -2:15pm