Irvine Parent Education Program: Winter workshops Invitation

IPEP Class

Irvine Parent Education Programs (IPEP) are free seminars and educational workshops offered to Irvine parents throughout the school year. Our goal is to empower parents with the skills and strategies necessary to become active participants in their child’s education. IPEP offers a variety of workshops focused on topics important to parents of IUSD students. Experienced instructors and district-level representatives facilitate the interactive workshops, engaging participants in conversations and hands-on activities. We invite you to register for one or more of the IPEP Winter Parent Workshops on our IUSD Webpage (link below). These workshops are popular and space is limited, so please only sign up for workshops you are certain you will be able to attend. Please visit click on the web page here for more information on the Irvine Parent Education Program (IPEP) classes for the Winter. You may also join our BLOOMZ App class for updates and reminders!