Please check this webpage frequently for updates.
Enrollment details and additional information about Pre-K, Kinder, and School Boundaries may be found on IUSD's Enrollment Page.
Kindergarten Round-Up
Thursday, February 29th at 6:00PM
Cypress Village MPR
District Pre-Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting
Monday, February 26, 2024
Click Here for the Flyer
cypress village February 29 Kinder presentation
Please join us on Thursday, February 29th at 6:00PM in our Mulitpurpose Room for Kindergarten Round-Up. This presentation is for parents of students enrolling in Kindergarten (not Pre-K) for the 2024-2025 school year.
CLICK HERE for the Cypress Village Kindergarten Round-Up Presentation that was shown on February 29th.
Enrollment & health video
CLICK HERE for information regarding immunization and health requirements
CLICK HERE for additional health and safety resources
CLICK HERE for the Step-By-Step Enrollment Guide for Cypress Village
welcome to Pre-K and Kinder Presentation
CLICK HERE for the IUSD Welcome to Pre-K and Kindergarten presentation
online enrollment: step by step guide
CLICK HERE for the Cypress Village step by step guide on the enrollment process
IUSD kindergarten resources
CLICK HERE for IUSD Indicators for School Success
CLICK HERE for more information about IUSD's Kinder Program